Homework Expectations

The primary purpose of homework is practice, an extension of the day’s work, time to work on long-term projects or an investigation of something for class discussion, not introduction of a new skill. Students should be able to complete it independently. If unable to complete an assignment independently, please notify your teacher. 7th—8th grade teachers work together as a team to plan for approximately one hour nightly, unless a student opts to take on extra courses or enrichment, such as language, algebra, music, band, etc.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Math and Science 2.18.15

* MMT1S5 due Monday, 3.4.15
* Problem 2.5 (pg. 31) and ACEs 27, 29, 35, 36 & 42 (pgs. 36-40) due Thursday, 2.19.15
* Continue Manga High practice lessons on integers

*Study for Photosynthesis RETAKE SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY, 2.20.15.  In addition to the work/material you have been doing/using in class, the game found at


is a fun way to study the names and locations of plant organelles 
*Cover textbook
*Section 1:  (pgs. 144-150) - Read, take notes, define vocabulary and complete assessment on pg. 150 for tomorrow, 2.19.15 (most students finished in class)