We started our Revolutionary War literature circles today! It is very important for students to do their reading and "job" each night, so that they can participate the following day. Here is the reading breakdown for each book:
homework for the night of... | Fighting Ground | Johnny T | Brother Sam | Sophia's War | Chains |
11/5/2015 | 3-15 | 1-22 | 1-22 | 5-28 | 3-25 |
11/6/2015 | 16-28 (1:30) | 22-48 | 23-37 | 29-56 | 26-52 |
11/9/2015 | 28-41 | 49-73 | 38-60 | 57-84 | 53-84 |
11/10/2015 | 42-55 (3:35) | 73-100 | 61-73 | 85-111 | 85-110 |
11/12/2015 | 55-67 | 100-126 | 74-98 | 112-135 | 111-129 |
11/13/2015 | 68-79 | 126-153 | 99-112 | 136-157 | 130-153 |
11/16/2015 | 80-94 (7:35) | 153-178 | 113-126 | 158-177 | 157-176 |
11/17/2015 | 94-107 (9:30) | 178-208 | 127-145 | 178-209 | 177-205 |
11/18/2015 | 107-121 (11:50) | 209-229 | 146-163 | 210-235 | 206-231 |
11/19/2015 | 121-134 (5:35) | 230-259 | 164-181 | 236-259 | 232-255 |
11/20/2015 | 134-145 | 259-287 | 182-198 | 260-284 | 256-278 |
11/23/2015 | 145-end | 287-end | 199-216 | 285-302 | 279-300 |