Monday: Students need to finish 'Reflection #2 (pg. 54) and to spend at least 15 minutes on TTM (making sure to document their work in their math journal) for Tuesday, 11.25.14.
Tuesday: Students need to finish 'Additional Practice Packet' for Investigation 2: Making Sense of Measures of Center and spend at least 30 minutes (this is in addition to the 15 minutes assigned yesterday) on TTM (making sure to document their work in their math journal) for Monday, 11.30.14.
Monday: Finish reading, highlighting important information, defining vocabulary and answering questions (on a separate piece of paper) from the in class reading 'Cycles of Matter' for Tuesday, 11.25.14
Tuesday: Finish answering all questions associated with the 'Biodiversity' movie that was shown in class (Bill Nye) for Monday, 11.30.14.
Over Break: Research various terrarium designs and start coming up with a draft of what you want yours to look like. Look for/collect any necessary material that you will need and bring whatever you'd like to use to school on Monday.