Homework Expectations

The primary purpose of homework is practice, an extension of the day’s work, time to work on long-term projects or an investigation of something for class discussion, not introduction of a new skill. Students should be able to complete it independently. If unable to complete an assignment independently, please notify your teacher. 7th—8th grade teachers work together as a team to plan for approximately one hour nightly, unless a student opts to take on extra courses or enrichment, such as language, algebra, music, band, etc.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/30

Reflective symmetry packet due tomorrow 12/1
Math Mates Term 2 sheet 1 due Friday 12/4

Science in the News 10 due Friday 12/4
Musical instrument presentation due Friday 12/4

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Language Arts & Social Studies 11.24.15


  • None
  • WeVideo book trailers are coming along! Your finished videos will be due next Wednesday.

Food Drive

Middle School
Operation Happiness
Canned Food Drive
November 18th-December 11th
5th - 8th Grade Competition

Operation Happiness is a community initiative run by dedicated volunteers that relies heavily on the generosity and support of our community. With over 300 volunteers joining together each year, Operation Happiness is able to provide baskets of food during the holidays to over 1,100 families throughout Franklin and Grand Isle Counties. (fgiunitedway.org)   

Every holiday season, SATEC families give back to the community in various ways. This year, we will be hosting a friendly competition in the middle school to support Operation Happiness.

If you can spare any non-perishable food items, please send them in with your child. This is a competition between grade levels.

Thank you for your contribution to our canned food drive!  

Monday, November 23, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/23

No homework this week

Math Mates quiz tomorrow
Get The Point Packet due tomorrow

Language Arts & Social Studies Nov. 23


  • If you didn't finish in class, finish your literature circle book and do your last job. (book quiz tomorrow) 
  • Reading Journal checks will be back next week. Have one completed for next Thursday. 
  • If you didn't finish in class, make sure you have your 8-10 pictures in WeVideo for tomorrow's class.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/19


  • Lesson 3 Linear Equations - Problem set 1-4
  • Math mates T1S8
  • Science in the News 9
  • This week's classwork:  sound packet, music questions, Waves on A String

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/18

Math Mate T1S8 due Friday 11/20
Lesson 2 Equations due Thursday 11/19

Science in the News due Friday 11/20

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Math and Science 11/17

Math Mates T1 S8 due on Friday 11/20
Writing Equations Using Symbols worksheet due tomorrow 11/18

Sound and Music Packet due tomorrow 11/18
Science in the News due Friday 11/20

Language Arts - book trailer project

We started our book trailer projects this week. For those students who would like to see more examples, here is the site we used yesterday. http://www.dentonisd.org/Page/334 Remember, as we discussed, not all of these meet the requirements under the Project Components section of your rubric.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Act 46 meeting this Thursday

Attention Parents:  

The first public forum for Act 46 will be held on November 18th at 6 p.m. at St. Albans Town Educational Center in the Cafeteria.  Please plan to attend to learn about how your region is moving forward with plans for unification.  
Visit the website often for updated information as they go through this process.  http/fcsuvt.org/download/act46.htm.  If you have questions not answered there feel free to email them to mailto:act46@fcsuvt.org.

L.A. & S.S. November 16th

Please make sure to finish your reading and do your "job" every night. Here is the schedule:
homework for the night of...Fighting GroundJohnny TBrother SamSophia's WarChains
11/5/2015pgs 3-15pgs 1-22pgs 1-22pgs 5-28pgs 3-25
11/6/2015pgs16-28 (1:30)22-4823-3729-5626-52
11/9/2015pgs 28-4149-7338-6057-8453-84
11/10/2015pgs 42-55 (3:35)73-10061-7385-11185-110
11/12/2015pgs 55-67100-12674-98112-135111-129
11/13/2015pgs 68-79126-15399-112136-157130-153
11/16/2015pgs 80-94 (7:35)153-178113-126158-177157-176
11/17/2015pgs 94-107 (9:30)178-208127-145178-209177-205
11/18/2015pgs 107-121 (11:50)209-229146-163210-235206-231
11/19/2015pgs 121-134 (5:35)230-259164-181236-259232-255
11/20/2015pgs 134-145259-287182-198260-284256-278
11/23/2015pgs 145-end287-end199-216285-302279-300


  • Junior Scholastic by tomorrow, 11/17. Don't forget to post in the online classroom. Classical Roots quizzes will be on Thursday of this week. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/12

Math Mates t1/s7 due tomorrow 11/13
Additional practice Investigation 4 due 11/13

SITN 7 due tomorrow
Core 3 Wave Packet due

Language Arts & Social Studies 11.12.15

Please make sure to finish your reading and do your "job" every night. Here is the schedule:
homework for the night of...Fighting GroundJohnny TBrother SamSophia's WarChains
11/5/2015pgs 3-15pgs 1-22pgs 1-22pgs 5-28pgs 3-25
11/6/2015pgs16-28 (1:30)22-4823-3729-5626-52
11/9/2015pgs 28-4149-7338-6057-8453-84
11/10/2015pgs 42-55 (3:35)73-10061-7385-11185-110
11/12/2015pgs 55-67100-12674-98112-135111-129
11/13/2015pgs 68-79126-15399-112136-157130-153
11/16/2015pgs 80-94 (7:35)153-178113-126158-177157-176
11/17/2015pgs 94-107 (9:30)178-208127-145178-209177-205
11/18/2015pgs 107-121 (11:50)209-229146-163210-235206-231
11/19/2015pgs 121-134 (5:35)230-259164-181236-259232-255
11/20/2015pgs 134-145259-287182-198260-284256-278
11/23/2015pgs 145-end287-end199-216285-302279-300


  • Junior Scholastic by Tuesday. Don't forget to post in the online classroom. Classical Roots quizzes will be on Thursday of next week. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Language Arts & Social Studies November 10th


  • If you didn't finish in class, 5A, 5C, 6A, 6C in Classical Roots. In addition, finish your packets for Thursday.
  • Reading and literature circle job by Thursday. Make sure to follow the job descriptions!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Science and Math Homework 11/9


  • SITN 9 due on Friday 11/13
Test tomorrow on Slope and equations of a line
study guide due tomorrow 11/10
Math Mates due 11/13

Friday, November 6, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/6

Slope test postponed till Tuesday 11/10

No homework

Language Arts & Social Studies 11/6/15

Please make sure to finish your reading and do your "job" every night. Here is the schedule:
homework for the night of...Fighting GroundJohnny TBrother SamSophia's WarChains
11/5/2015pgs 3-15pgs 1-22pgs 1-22pgs 5-28pgs 3-25
11/6/2015pgs16-28 (1:30)22-4823-3729-5626-52
11/9/2015pgs 28-4149-7338-6057-8453-84
11/10/2015pgs 42-55 (3:35)73-10061-7385-11185-110
11/12/2015pgs 55-67100-12674-98112-135111-129
11/13/2015pgs 68-79126-15399-112136-157130-153
11/16/2015pgs 80-94 (7:35)153-178113-126158-177157-176
11/17/2015pgs 94-107 (9:30)178-208127-145178-209177-205
11/18/2015pgs 107-121 (11:50)209-229146-163210-235206-231
11/19/2015pgs 121-134 (5:35)230-259164-181236-259232-255
11/20/2015pgs 134-145259-287182-198260-284256-278
11/23/2015pgs 145-end287-end199-216285-302279-300


Don't forget your field trip permission slip for November 11th!  

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Math and science homework 11/5


  • Test on Slope Monday November 9
  • Math Mates T1 S6 due tomorrow
  • Science in the News 7 due tomorrow 11/6

Language Arts 11.5

  • Your short stories are due tomorrow!
  • We will not have Reading Journal checks in L.A. until Thursday, December 3rd! This is to make sure that you dedicate time to your Social Studies Revolutionary War literature circle book. 

Social Studies 11/5

We started our Revolutionary War literature circles today! It is very important for students to do their reading and "job" each night, so that they can participate the following day. Here is the reading breakdown for each book:

homework for the night of...Fighting GroundJohnny TBrother SamSophia's WarChains
11/5/2015 3-151-221-225-283-25
11/6/201516-28 (1:30)22-4823-3729-5626-52
11/9/2015 28-4149-7338-6057-8453-84
11/10/201542-55 (3:35)73-10061-7385-11185-110
11/13/2015 68-79126-15399-112136-157130-153
11/16/2015 80-94 (7:35)153-178113-126158-177157-176
11/17/201594-107 (9:30)178-208127-145178-209177-205
11/18/2015107-121 (11:50)209-229146-163210-235206-231
11/19/2015121-134 (5:35)230-259164-181236-259232-255

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/4

Math: Math Mate's tomorrow 11/5
Test on Slope Monday 11/9

Science:  Science in the News due 11/6

Language Arts & Social Studies 11.4.15


  • Reading Journal due tomorrow, Thursday.
  • Draft of your Narrative due tomorrow, Thursday.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Math and Science Homework 11/3

Science: Science in the News #7 due Friday 11/6

Math: Slope worksheet due Wednesday 11/7
Math Mate's T1/S6 due Friday
Quiz on slope of line Friday