Homework Expectations

The primary purpose of homework is practice, an extension of the day’s work, time to work on long-term projects or an investigation of something for class discussion, not introduction of a new skill. Students should be able to complete it independently. If unable to complete an assignment independently, please notify your teacher. 7th—8th grade teachers work together as a team to plan for approximately one hour nightly, unless a student opts to take on extra courses or enrichment, such as language, algebra, music, band, etc.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Language Arts and Social Studies 10/16

****Progress Reports went home today**** Please sign and return ASAP


  • Reading Journal check Thursday, Oct. 23rd - one page summary and 2 literary devices
  • Thinkcerca.com article by Friday
  • Comics for "Thank You Ma'am" are due Tuesday (not Monday).  Try out each of these comic strip creators, then decide on one that will work best for your plans.  These each have different functionality and design options, so it’s important to explore each of them before making a decision about which one you will use. 

  • None.  However, the quiz for chapter 1 will be sometime next week.  Make sure you have your handouts for sections 1 - 3 completed.