Homework Expectations

The primary purpose of homework is practice, an extension of the day’s work, time to work on long-term projects or an investigation of something for class discussion, not introduction of a new skill. Students should be able to complete it independently. If unable to complete an assignment independently, please notify your teacher. 7th—8th grade teachers work together as a team to plan for approximately one hour nightly, unless a student opts to take on extra courses or enrichment, such as language, algebra, music, band, etc.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Math & Science 10/27/14

*3 Manga High challenges (bronze medal on all three is the minimal requirement) is due 10.29.14
*Finish up 30 minute TTM session and journal write for tomorrow.  Remember, you should have at least 8 journal entries from the last check (I will be checking them)!!

*TEST TOMORROW, STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!  Continue to go through your flashcards, handouts, notes, study guide, etc. on variables and the scientific method.  
*"My Own Science" observations and research is ongoing.