- "The Lottery" story/movie comparison chart due Tuesday, 10/28. Here is a link to the 20 minute video, if you need to watch it again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIm93Xuij7k
- Reading Journal check on Thursday. Read 60 pages, write a one page summary, and identify 2 literary devices.
- The Middle East - Then and Now due Wednesday. (class time today and tomorrow to work on this) Here is a link to the assignment.
https://docs.google.com/a/fcsuvt.org/document/d/15fi8auiSzYpt44HcjVrpiEJPw28N2g7hpgIna96a5Ss/edit - Thinkcerca.com reading due every Friday. www.thinkcerca.com
Here is a good map to use for the Middle East.