Homework Expectations

The primary purpose of homework is practice, an extension of the day’s work, time to work on long-term projects or an investigation of something for class discussion, not introduction of a new skill. Students should be able to complete it independently. If unable to complete an assignment independently, please notify your teacher. 7th—8th grade teachers work together as a team to plan for approximately one hour nightly, unless a student opts to take on extra courses or enrichment, such as language, algebra, music, band, etc.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Math and Science 3.25.15

* MMT2S1 due 3.30.15
* Problem 4.1 (pg. 63) and ACEs 1, 2, 8-25, & 36-43 (pgs. 69-74) due tomorrow
*Finish Elastic Lab (final draft of chart, graoh and answers to all questions that accompanied the lad) and make flash cards to help study vocabulary and key concepts on 'Energy' for Friday